Meet Sahed, one of our drivers, what do you notice about him?
Smart, happy, enjoying himself, clean car, the sort of character you would want to pick you up when you ordered a taxi?

Another reason might be that they work for the wrong company; they may be working for a company that is not interested in looking after the people that are the face of their company. It may be that the people running the company are more interested in being on the golf course than in the office. It may also be that the people in charge have the same mindset as the drivers, and are passing this down through the rest of their team.
Well Apollo thinks that all of the above is wrong. This industry is alive and kicking and the ability to earn money is here. We have a can-do attitude and we refuse to blame anyone or anything else for things that go wrong! We want to show you why…

What hours will I be required to work?
Whenever someone starts to work with Apollo we will always emphasise the fact that we need to be available when the customer wants us; this is a very basic bit of information but crucial if you want to succeed in this industry. 90% of people would love to work 9-5 Monday to Friday and a lot of people do. If as a driver you are working the same hours as other people, there will not be a high-demand. Customers will need journeys before and after work, at weekends, on nights out…
Of course there will be people who will be travelling during working hours – maybe to a meeting, to the supermarket, or even to the airport, but if you were to place bets on the busy times most people can work this out without too much guidance.
We will always work hard to let our drivers know of peak times, as well as quiet times. This allows them to make informed decisions about their working hours. It is then up-to them to make a choice on when to work.
How Much Could I Earn?

The left box is the total completed jobs, and the right box is the money they made.
So now the crucial question: “how much could I earn doing this job?” We have already stated this is not your average 9-5, and to earn the money you will need to work the hours that customers need you. If money is your driving-force and you’re prepared to put the work in, then here is where it gets interesting…
(see photos left & right)
We are not saying that this what you can earn 52 weeks of the year, however we want to highlight the earning potential for people willing to work when it’s needed. Our drivers work hard but do not have to do ‘silly hours’ to achieve this. They can work hard for a few days then have some rest days! We want everyone to have a good work/life balance and this can be easily achieved if you set your hours up properly.
Sometimes it’s difficult; January for example is a nightmare. Anyone who says differently is lying – unless you own a gym! – it doesn’t matter where you work, it’s a horrible month. If you have been clever in December however, the money is in the bank and you don’t need to worry. Many of our drivers take time-off in January to recover and spend time with family.

What makes Apollo different from the rest?

Right, so Mr. Apollo, what you have said is the industry can be a good place to work…but why work with you?
Well quite simply it’s the office and the set up! We work hard to improve our service to our drivers all the time. This means constantly monitoring jobs, and making sure we have targeted marketing. We are always improving the level of service our hardworking office staff deliver, and make sure they are trained to as high standard as possible. It also means keeping on top of our technology. We are doing everything we can to ensure we always offer the highest levels of service through the technology available.
We also strongly believe that you are only as strong as your weakest link, Apollo is extremely proud of the team of drivers we have and everyone of our drivers is proud of the company and what it represents. Much of our growth is down to drivers recommending us to their friends as a great place to work, any businesses will tell you this is one of the greatest compliments you could receive.
All of this means the service we give to customers is always to a high standard.
Am I right for the job?
This is all great and we can tell you how to make the optimum amount of money until we are blue in the face. A massive part of being successful, however, comes down to the individual.
To be successful…
You must be proud: proud of yourself, your car, and the company you represent;
You must be reliable; there is nothing worse than an unreliable driver;
You must be smart: be smart in your appearance, be smart in your mannerisms, be smart in your conversations – different people require different things, and you need to be able to identify this;
Deliver high customer service: you will have more one-to-one interactions with customers than any salesman, shop assistant, flight attendant will ever have. Be the service they remember!

Apollo has grown on a foundation of trust and honesty – perhaps you could be part of the story?